A quick catch up to let you know whats been going on at Roses & Rue - maybe we can tempt you to come and join us to learn a new skill or take up an old one again.
Last week we had a patchwork class, a children's party, the usual knit and natter and crochet clubs and knitting for beginners - phew!
The knitting for beginners group was nice and easy because the ladies had all had a go at least once before, thus making my job easier. The patchwork class, as always, is all about colour and choosing fabric before we get anywhere near the sewing machines.Hopefully I'll have some lovely pics to show later in the week when the qulits are finished.
The childrens parties always take a lot of planning. The birthday girl decided that she wanted to make sock monkeys. Trust me, it is impossible to make 8 sock monkeys in two hours, so preparation is vital. A big thank you must go to Rosie and Joel for helping me stuff monkey bodies all week, ready for the party.
Monkey love! |
Amongst all this chaos I have been crocheting up oddballs to make a lovely granny square cushion and matching blanket. When the blanket is finished they will go in the shop window for sale. We've been selling a lot of handmade stuff lately. In fact we are having a job keeping up. Luckily I have a band of dedicated friends who are creative and enjoy adding to the window display.
Rumer modelling the granny square cushion |
Granny square cushion with unfinshed blanket made using oddballs of Debbie Bliss Babycashmerino |
When it comes to knitting for the shop display or customers, I have a secret weapon - a Pat! She is quite simply the best knitter I know and I'm not prepared to share her with anyone. Aside from being the best knitter in the world she has also become a dear friend over the last two years - dare I say a mother figure (that might embarrass her, since she is so modest). She supports me all the way and is an integral part of the business. How she puts up with me I dont know, frankly, but I'm glad she does as I'd be lost without her.
Three quarter sleeved cardi knitted by Pat in Louisa Harding 'Aimee' (modelled by Rosie). |