I was very kindly lent a book by Ros, called Blogging for Bliss, which has inspired me to set about improving the blog. It is a really useful and user friendly book full of excellent tips and ideas and there are some great examples of blogs to take a look at. So I have begun to change things in the hope that I will make the blog as eyecatching and interesting as possible. I would be grateful for any comments. What do you think of the design so far?
Back to work tomorrow - the end of the summer holidays. Back to routine and academia, deadlines and targets. I now have to think philosophy instead of crochet, religious art instead of patchwork. Im hoping that this will be the last year that I have to rely on my income as a teacher and that the shop will start paying me a wage. I think Im getting there, things seem to be picking up and Ive been thinking of ways to promote the shop, the classes etc. I have lots to look forward to over the coming months and I hope that I can balance the challenges of two jobs, three children and all the obligations that come with those roles. I'm going to think positive, set myself realistic goals and try and keep calm................